These guests make even Mark look lazy and unaccomplished

It’s no secret Mark Ford is one of the most accomplished individuals you’ll ever meet. His best-selling books… his hyper-successful businesses… his international network of fascinating friends and partners… the list goes on and on.

But in the podcast below, lifestyle and productivity guru Tim Ferriss (author of The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich) interviews two people who give Mark a real run for his money.

The first is consultant and best-selling author Tony Robbins. His five award-winning television infomercials have continuously aired, on average, every 30 minutes, 24 hours per day, somewhere in North America since their initial introduction in April 1989.

Ferriss’ second guest is Dr. Peter Diamandis. Forbes named him “One of the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders.” Diamandis is co-founder/co-chairman of Planetary Resources. It’s a company designing spacecraft to detect and mine asteroids for precious materials.

In the podcast, Ferriss asks both guests for their suggestions on how to “10x” your ideas. In other words, you want to tap into “the magic of thinking big.” It’s more than just eye opening… this podcast has the power to change your life.

Source: fourhourworkweek.com

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