Instant Insight December 9, 2014: Items of note across the Palm Beach universe…

SPINAL—Scientists have used a new drug to repair spinal injuries in lab rats. The drug prevents scar tissue from forming around the injury. This allows damaged nerves to regenerate through blocked areas. Scientists say some rats “recovered so well you could hardly tell there was an injury.”

OIL WINEveryday, cheap oil means American motorists are saving $630 million on gasoline, compared to what they paid in June. The U.S. economy would get a $230 billion windfall if prices stay this low for a year. That presents a bullish tailwind for most of the U.S. economy.

OIL LOSS—Reuters reports oilrig drilling permits dropped almost 40% over October’s number. November’s numbers were down at 4,520, compared to October’s 7,227. Oil production in shale deposit areas has been one of the leading employment drivers since the financial crisis… an extended rout in oil prices will cause upheaval in the sector. Use oil’s uncertainty to double-check your risk-management protocols —both inside and outside the energy sector.

GREAT READS—MarketWatch just released its list of “15 Great Books for Investors.” Of course, the basis for Warren Buffett’s investment prowess—The Intelligent Investor—makes the cut. Notably absent: The greatest book on trading (and risk management) ever written, Market Wizards.