Blockchains Are the Next Era of Computing, Here’s How to Profit

When you get ahead of a big trend, massive profits are possible.

That’s the case with a tiny company that started out of a one-bedroom apartment in Telegraph Hill, San Francisco.

The company revolved around one idea – no software.

You see, companies had to manage all their own software needs at the time. There were large upfront costs for both software and equipment…

They needed the right personnel to get it all set up… And as the company grew, it had to go through the process over and over again.

The problem also showed up in the numbers… By the end of the ‘80s, information technology (IT) spending was just 3.5% of companies’ investment budgets. By 1999, it was 22%.

And by that time, IT departments were spending 70–80% of their operating budgets just to keep existing systems running.

But what if there was a better way?

That’s exactly what this tiny startup from Telegraph Hill provided.

And it was all due to a new technology called “the cloud.”

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand availability of computer system resources, such as data storage and computing power, over the internet.

More importantly, it lets companies avoid having to manage their own software needs… Instead, another company can provide and oversee whatever software a company requires, from anywhere in the world.

That creates several benefits: faster implementation times, lower upfront costs, scalability on demand, no in-house maintenance, access from anywhere, and better security.

With these benefits and a winning idea, the Telegraph Hill company leveraged cloud technology to manage the software needs of its clients, freeing those companies from having to deal with it on their own.

This innovation led to the tiny startup growing into a multibillion-dollar company… You’ve likely heard its name: Salesforce (CRM).

And early investors in Salesforce profited tremendously.

An investment in CRM’s IPO returned 6,100% to date, enough to turn every $10,000 into $620,000.

That can be the result when you identify companies latching on to game-changing technology early.

But while the cloud was a significant technological shift, it’s yesterday’s opportunity…

Today’s opportunity for massive gains is in decentralized networks – in other words, blockchain technology.

As I’ll explain, blockchain is the dawn of a new era of computing. And I’ll show you exactly how to profit…

The Next Era of Computing

The rise of cloud technology signaled a shift in computing.

Companies no longer had to handle their individual software needs at great cost. Thanks to the internet and the cloud, companies like Salesforce could manage these requirements for them.

But in this next era, companies will increasingly forgo the cloud for decentralized, blockchain-based networks that involve multiple parties.

It’s part of a growing trend you can see in the chart below.

It shows the value shift in computing as it moved from one era to the next, starting with mainframe to client servers and now from the cloud to the blockchain.

(The blockchain figure reflects the market caps of leading smart contract platforms in early 2021.)

Source: FSInsight

We don’t need to get into the weeds of how mainframe and client servers worked… All you have to know is that they represent the first eras of mass computing.

The key insight here is that each new technology saw a rapid rise in value as adoption rose.

And just as the cloud overtook mainframe and client server technology, now it’s blockchain’s turn to overtake the cloud.

That’s why the rapid growth will be in blockchain-powered decentralized networks.

In fact, the value of the Messari Smart Contract Platform index – which tracks leading smart contract platforms such as Ethereum, Solana, and Polkadot – is up 170% over the last six months.

By comparison, the Global X Cloud Computing ETF – a fund that holds cloud computing’s top companies – is up 17% over that same period.

I expect this trend to continue as decentralized networks offer a different value proposition from the cloud.

You see, cloud providers like Salesforce are centralized companies that control and operate all aspects of a network.

But decentralized networks are unique because they incentivize the network’s participants to run the network without a centralized authority.

So, participants can get involved in any number of ways, whether they contribute to the software, provide hardware, or share the bandwidth that forms these networks.

And if you know where to look, there are many ways to profit from this next era of computing… including what we call “Tech Royalties.”

Getting Ahead of the “Second Phase”

You see, the next era of computing is going to be dominated by blockchains.

But with over 10,000 blockchain tokens to invest in, where do you start?

That’s where Tech Royalties come in… special cryptos that pay you a “royalty” in more of the underlying crypto, just for buying and holding them.

Tech Royalties are the first asset we know of that allow you to earn royalties on new technology… So they basically pay you while adoption of the underlying technology accelerates.

For instance, certain crypto projects pay out rewards. It’s similar to the way a stock pays a dividend. By investing in these projects, you can set yourself up for a steady income stream, just like a royalty.

Right now, we can make monster gains and huge yields in Tech Royalties because very few people know about them… but that’s all about to change.

There’s a major catalyst coming in 2022. We call it the “Second Phase.”

It will give you an opportunity to make more in one year than you could in 10 lifetimes in the stock market… and getting in now means you’ll also be well-positioned to profit from the next era of computing.

But because this catalyst is only programmed to take place once, Daily editor Teeka Tiwari is holding a free livestreamed event on Wednesday, November 3 at 8 p.m. ET to help you prepare…

Attendees will learn all about the Second Phase and receive the name of Teeka’s No. 1 Tech Royalty just for showing up… along with details on six Tech Royalties to help you start building 10 lifetimes of wealth over the next 365 days.

So, click here to join Teeka on Wednesday, November 3 at 8 p.m. ET, and you’ll learn precisely what you need to do to potentially make a fortune from Tech Royalties.


Greg Wilson
Analyst, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. Along with revealing his No. 1 Tech Royalty cryptocurrency to all who attend… event VIPs will also receive Teeka’s premium research on this crypto… for free.

This crypto is so tiny, we’ve put a password on the research. There’s no way we could risk this information leaking before November 3.

To find out how you can become an event VIP, click here