“It’s a fraud.”

Those were the famous words from JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon. The time: September 2017, at the Barclays Global Financial Services Conference.

Dimon, of course, was referring to bitcoin.

His comments didn’t stop there. He went on to say that cryptocurrency is “worse than tulip bulbs.” Of course, Dimon was referring to the infamous 1637 Dutch Tulip Mania… when a speculative frenzy created a tulip price bubble that eventually burst.

Further, he claimed the only countries that would use bitcoin were the likes of Venezuela or North Korea. And its users would be limited to drug dealers and murderers.

That opinion, however, didn’t last long.

By January 2018, Dimon publicly stated that he regretted calling bitcoin a fraud… and he even acknowledged “the blockchain is real.”

Meanwhile, Daily readers were years ahead of the game.

We recommended bitcoin in April 2016. At the time, we noted the government’s war on cash and reckless monetary and fiscal policies as reasons to buy the crypto. Further, we highlighted the growing investment volume in blockchain technology.

By the time Dimon called bitcoin a fraud, we were up 872%. And by the time he changed his mind, we were up 3,444%.

To JPMorgan and Dimon’s credit, they did shift course…

In 2018, JPMorgan established the Blockchain Center of Excellence. In 2019, it launched JPMCoin, a stablecoin representing the dollar. And in 2021, it started offering clients bitcoin exposure.

Now it’s saying there’s a “new” way to make money in the cryptocurrency market: Staking.

Per a JPMorgan report, staking will gain traction as a source of revenue for institutional and retail investors alike… and we agree.

But once again, Daily readers are ahead of the curve… We’ve been writing about staking since 2018. And making quadruple-digit profits along the way.

If you’re not familiar with staking, I’ll tell you why JPMorgan is talking about it now… and how you can profit from the trend.

Blockchain: The Next Evolution of the Internet

Before we get to staking, it’s important to understand this: We believe the future will be built on multiple blockchains. In other words, it’s going to be a multichain world.

Consider the internet today. It’s not just one protocol. It’s a collection of protocols like HTTP, SMTP, and TCP/IP.

These protocols work together so users can seamlessly send data anywhere in the world. They’re also decentralized, meaning no person or company controls them.

In the future, decentralized technology will evolve into the third generation of the internet called Web 3.0. This version of the internet will combine the power of blockchains… artificial intelligence… and cutting-edge computer technology.

Web 1.0 was the early internet until about 2000. You could use it to read websites… search for information… and buy items on websites like Amazon and eBay.

Web 2.0 is the version we’re using now. It allows mobile computing… social networks like Facebook and Twitter… and multiplayer games. It birthed the Big Data industry… machine learning… and search algorithms like you see on Google or Netflix.

With Web 3.0, you won’t be able to just send data to other people… but anything of value, too. All with the click of a mouse. And without the need of a third party.

Anyone using Web 3.0 can make a loan or borrow money… transfer real estate… or even auction fractions of the value of famous paintings.

That’s a big reason why the World Economic Forum says blockchain technology, which is powering Web 3.0, will be worth $8.6 trillion by 2025.

Here’s the opportunity (and where staking comes in)…

Unlike the internet protocols of today, you can own a piece of the blockchain protocols of tomorrow… and generate healthy income along the way.

Your Chance to Own a Piece of the Future

The process of participating and investing in a blockchain protocol to earn income is called staking. At PBRG, we call this income “Tech Royalties.”

With Tech Royalties, you stake your crypto assets to their respective protocol. That helps secure the network by guaranteeing that your staked crypto is available to validate transactions on the underlying blockchain.

In return, you receive more crypto as a reward. It’s similar to earning a dividend from a stock or yield from a bond.

Tech Royalties are a way for blockchain projects to drive adoption of their technology by allowing investors to cash in on their success.

And we’ve been recommending them to our readers since 2018. We believe JPMorgan is jumping on the bandwagon now because Ethereum – the second-largest crypto by market cap behind bitcoin – is in the midst of a transition to a staking network.

The bank predicts the upgrade will successfully launch in early 2022. And by 2025, staking payouts in the cryptocurrency market will balloon to $40 billion annually. That’s 344% greater than they are today.

The bank’s recent report details many of the staking benefits we’ve told our readers about for years:

  • Staking lowers the opportunity cost of holding cryptocurrencies versus other assets.

  • Staking can pay a significant real yield.

  • The current zero-rate environment will incentivize investment into cryptos that can be staked.

All great points. But they leave out the secret sauce…

Tech Royalties Are Paid in More Crypto

Let’s say you buy 1,000 tokens of a given crypto for $1,000. That’s $1 per token.

And let’s say the crypto pays 8% a year in Tech Royalties. That means you get 80 extra tokens per year – or an extra $80.

Now, let’s say that token doubles in price.

Instead of getting an $80 dividend (which is 8%)… those 80 tokens are now worth $2 each. That’s $160.

That means Tech Royalties appreciate at the same rate as the token.

Your $1,000 initial investment goes up in value and so do all your Tech Royalties. And although the crypto now pays a $160 dividend… the amount you initially invested remains the same.

That means you have an effective Tech Royalty rate of 16%.

Now, imagine your token goes up 5x… 10x… or even 30x… (As I’ll show you later, we’ve already recommended coins that have done that.)

Here’s the thing, you just can’t get this type of opportunity in any other market. And as projects like Web 3.0 gain momentum, Tech Royalties will yield even more.

So it’s no surprise a banking giant like JPMorgan is now encouraging crypto staking. But at PBRG, we’re already ahead of the curve.

We’ve been earning over 5% on Ethereum for more than a year now. And we’re currently up over 1,600% on the position.

Plus, this year we booked a gain of 3,302% on one of our positions. And Tech Royalties contributed 367% to that gain.

One way to get started is to buy some Ethereum (ETH). It’s one of the leading networks in the entire cryptocurrency market. And the recent pullback gives an opportunity to buy at discounted prices.

As the opportunities in Tech Royalties gain more attention, more people will take advantage… and Ethereum will attract the majority of that new source of capital.



Greg Wilson
Analyst, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. Owning cryptos like Ethereum is just one way to profit from blockchain technology, which is why Daily editor Teeka Tiwari calls it his No. 1 investment of the decade.

But “Tech Royalties” are opening up the door for life-changing gains to millions of investors. And if you truly want to take advantage, Teeka’s put together a presentation on how you can participate immediately… and start earning “Tech Royalties” yourself.

Watch it right here.